
Compliance in the value chain

Noble Installation has defined a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which address human rights, ethics and anti-corruption.

To build trust and reliability in the company and toward our customer, Noble Installation will maintain a high standard on all activities associated with its business. All company representatives are expected to maintain a high ethical standard relative to associates, employees, customers, suppliers, authorities, and competitors and behave in a sustainable, and socially responsible manner.

We commit to following the principles and guidelines in NS-ISO 2600:2010, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations “UN Global Compact 10 principles.”

These guidelines apply to the company, all its employees, others who represent the company, and at all our business areas. In order to realize these goals, we depend on a collaboration with our suppliers and partners. We therefore undertake to use suppliers who follow the applicable laws and in line with our intentions.


Transparency Act

Our operations are covered by the Transparency Act, and we will annually carry out due diligence assessments by mapping conditions in our value chain, including our suppliers and other business partners. By mapping the value chain, it will give us an overview of whether there is or is a risk that there may be violations of human rights or indecent working conditions and prevent or limit negative consequences that can be linked directly or indirectly to our business.

More information or questions about how Noble Installation handles the Transparancy Act can be directed to the HSSE and Quality Manager.

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